
マルゴは「自然まるごと、サラダサプリ」をコンセプトとしたサラダデリの専門店です。 自然の恵みである野菜を食の主役に位置付け、国産の旬の野菜を中心にした栄養満点のサラダをご提供します。

MARGO is a specialty shop for salad deli with the concept of "WHOLE NATURE, SALAD SUPPLEMENTS". We positioned vegetables that are a blessing of nature as the leading role in meal, and provide nutritious salad that mainly used domestic seasonal vegetables. Also, you can combine your favorite ingredients from more than '20' types of toppings to make your own Original Salad.

忙しい朝食に、しっかり食べたい昼食に、仕事上がりの夕食に、食習慣の乱れた慌ただしい都市生活の中で、 サプリメント代わりに「手早く、美味しく、楽しく」サラダで栄養を摂る、これまでにない新しいスタイルの食生活を。 マルゴは毎日の美味しい食から、美しくしなやかな心と健康な身体を育みます。

To a busy breakfast, lunch to replenish energy and dinner to heal your tiredness. Instead of supplements, take nutrition briefly, deliciously and happily by salad in a hectic urban life that disordered eating habits. We offer an unprecedented new life style of dietary and nurture an elegant mind and a healthy body by delicious daily meals.

日本には5つの季節があります。草木が芽吹き出す新緑の春、雨が大地を潤してたっぷりと栄養を蓄える梅雨、 照りつける太陽をいっぱいに浴びて葉を茂らせる夏、木々が色づき穀物や果実が成熟する実りの秋、 厳しい寒さに耐え土の下でじっくりと美味しさが凝縮させる、滋味あふれる冬。

There are five seasons in Japan. Spring where vegetation sprouts, Rainy Season moistens the earth and stores plenty of nutrition, Summer when the sun shines bright and the vegetation is overgrown, Autumn when the trees are colored and the grains and fruits mature, Winter that withstands severe cold and slowly condenses its deliciousness under the soil.

マルゴのサラダは農家さんたちが手塩にかけて育てた旬の国産野菜をふんだんに使用しています。 5つの美味しい旬を大切にすることで、環境負荷を抑え、栄養豊富で健全な食をご提供します。そして、 生産者の暮らしをより良いものにすることに情熱を傾けています。

MARGO's Salads used plenty of seasonal domestic vegetables that grown with farmer's great affection and care. By cherishing the five seasons, we try to reduce the environmental burden and provide a nutritious and healthy diet. Also, we put our heart into making the lives of producers better.

新鮮なリーフサラダをベースに20種類以上の彩り豊かな トッピングからお好きな組み合わせをセレクトいただけます。さらに8種類のオリジナルドレッシングをご用意しており、その組み合わせは1,600万通り以上! あなただけのベストセレクトを見つけましょう。

We, "MARGO", make your Original salad with your favorite ingredients.
You can choose your own combination from more than 20 types colorful toppings and add to the salad that based on fresh leaves. In addition to that, we prepare 8 types original dressings. There are combinations more than 16 million! Let's find your best Original salad with us!

ココロもカラダも健康で美しくあるために、食事の栄養バランスはとても大切です。1日に30品目食べることが推奨されていますが、 忙しい都市生活では外食が中心となり、栄養バランスが偏りがち。マルゴのサラダはタンパク質・カルシウム・ビタミン・エネルギーをバランスよく 組み合わせた栄養食です。錠剤のサプリメントに頼らず、栄養豊富なサラダを毎日しっかり食べましょう。

Dietary nutritional balance is very important for maintaining yourself mentally beautiful and phisically healthy. We are encouraged to eat more than 30 food items everyday, but it's hard to eat a well-balanced diet in a hectic urban life, so diet has been unbalanced. MARGO's Salads are well-balanced nutritional diet that contain "protein, calcium, vitamin, energy". Try not to depend on tablet-supplements, let's try to eat nutritious salads everyday!

日本には5つの季節があり、野菜たちはそれぞれ季節ごとに旬を迎えます。マルゴは南北に長い日本列島を巡りながら、最も味がのって美味しい旬の野菜でつくる、 季節限定のシーズナルサラダをご提供します。国産の食材を中心にしていますが、より美味しいサラダを召し上がっていただくために、 時には海の向こうの旬の食材を厳選して取り寄せることもあります。

There are five seasons in Japan. Each vegetable has its own season. We find the most delicious seasonal vegetables by traveling around Japanese islands that extends north to south, and use them to make seasonal limited salads and offer it. We mainly use domestic ingredients. However, for serving superior salad, there are occasions when we import carefully picked seasonal ingredients.

現代は野菜の生産技術が発達し、旬に関わりなくあらゆる野菜が一年中いつでも手に入るようになりました。しかしそういった野菜の中には季節の温湿度環境に 逆らい、膨大なエネルギーをかけてつくられたものや、地球の向こう側から運んでくるものも多くあります。マルゴではできる限り国産の食材を使用し、 また旬の野菜を取り入れることで環境に負荷をかけないサラダづくりを目指しています。

Modern manufacturing technology of vegetables enable us to eat all kinds of vegetables all year round. However, among such vegetables, some are made by using huge energy that is against the rules of nature, and there are many that import from the other side of the earth. We are trying to use domestic ingredients as much as possible and provide eco-friendly salads by incorporating seasonal vegetables.

私たちの身の回りの食品には味付けや色付け、変質を防ぐための添加物が使用されているものが数多くあり、その中には健康を害するものも含まれています。 市販のカット野菜は変色の防止と殺菌のために次亜塩素酸ナトリウムで入念に消毒されますが、その過程で多くの栄養素が流出してしまいます。 マルゴでは食品添加物を使用せず、新鮮な野菜を新鮮なうちに調理する、安心・安全なサラダをご提供します。 There is a lot of groceries that contains various additives exists around us, and some of them contain harmful substances for health. Cut vegetable on the market are carefully sanitized by sodium hypochlorite for sterilization and prevention of discoloration, but many nutrients flow out during the process of that. We prepare fresh salads while the vegetables are fresh, so can provide safe salads.

Salad Deli MARGOは持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)を支援しています。





CO2 control with Japanese vegetables that value the season

MARGO salad, which is mainly made from seasonal domestic vegetables, is cultivated with less

environmental impact while relaying the production area. It also has the shortest delivery distance and

minimizes CO2 emissions.


We were able to produce romaine lettuce domestically throughout the year, which was difficult, and reduced CO2 emissions to 56% compared to shipping from overseas.





2023年のレジ袋の提供数が76%減少、プラスティックスプーン(植物由来)は54%減少(2020年比)。年を追うごとに、プラスチック資材の購入数が減ってきています。 MARGOが使うプラ容器のほとんどを、紙容器やペットボトル再生品、生分解されるバイオプラに切り替えています。

Stop free distribution of disposable items and remove plastic

Stop free distribution of disposable items such as spoons and shopping bags and promote deplasticization.

We ask for your understanding and cooperation in paying purchases when necessary.


In 2023, the number of plastic bags provided will decrease by 76%, and the number of plastic spoons (plant-based) will decrease by 54% (compared to 2020). As the years go by, the number of plastic materials purchased is decreasing. Most of the plastic containers used by MARGO have been replaced with paper containers, recycled plastic bottles, and biodegradable bioplastics.





Suppressing food loss by extending the expiration date

In addition to improving cooking, hygiene, and preservation methods, we will extend the expiration date by

improving the variety of ingredients and strive to minimize food waste.


By extending the expiry date of salads by about 1.5 times, the food waste rate has been halved from around 5% (2019) to less than 2.5% (2024). Unsold products are not thrown away and are enjoyed as ''meal food'' for working staff.




全量を炭化処理の竹箸に変更し、包装袋も紙に変えました。木の割箸&プラスチック包装袋に比べてコストは割高ですが、プラごみ排出ゼロを達成しています。 プラスチックスプーン&フォークの包装袋も紙に変わり、こちらもプラごみ0になりました。素材は植物由来のプラスチックです。

Forest protection by adopting bamboo chopsticks with fast regeneration speed

Changed from wooden chopsticks to bamboo chopsticks that grow fast. Carbonized bamboo is safe and

resource-saving without the hassle of bleaching and mold prevention.


All chopsticks were changed to carbonized bamboo chopsticks, and the packaging bags were also changed to paper. Although it is more expensive than wooden disposable chopsticks and plastic packaging bags, it achieves zero plastic waste. The packaging bags for plastic spoons and forks have also been changed to paper, and now there is no plastic waste. The material is plant-based plastic.





Clarify manufacturer responsibility with an appropriate production plan that

does not cause loss

Review excess supply and establish a sound production plan that "knows enough" to meet your needs.


The amount of food waste generated in MARGO's central kitchen per day has been kept to less than two 45L garbage bags. In the food manufacturing process that serves 1,000 to 1,500 meals a day, the amount of food waste produced is extremely small.
